Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunny Sweet San Diego

Brenden and I had spent such a great week and a half in Salt Lake and on the 4th of July, it was time to fly to San Diego to see Dave's parents and spend a little time there. We thought we would stay over a month there and see Dave on the weekends in Yuma, AZ where he would be training for six weeks but it was not to be. A few days into the trip to San Diego we found out that Dave was very sick with what appeared to be Hepatitis A. He went into the hospital in North Carolina where he stayed for five days. We cut the trip short and flew back home to take care of him. Happy to say he is feeling much better now. It was very nice to see friends and family on our three week jaunt out West - I do miss that place...

On the 4th, we managed to spend a few hours at the annual party that the Slays go to at their friend's house in North County, S.D. Brenden's cousins Jordan and Conor and Aunt Kristen were there to play with. There was also an anteater and kangaroo (kept by a man who is licensed to rehabilitate wild animals) there which amused the kids:
Blowing bubbles with Aunt Kristen and cousin Jordan: We also fit in a trip to Sea World a few days after the 4th with my friend Pita! So so much fun to spend the day with her.
Pita showed The Cute dolphins which he absolutely LOVED: O.k I know this is so cheesy but I couldn't help myself: Finally - some rest for the wild one:

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