Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's summer time - let's go!

I know one is supposed to follow the rule of thumb that says baby pictures at birth, three months, six months, nine months, so on and so forth. Dave and I love Brenden to pieces but haven't exactly followed said rule of thumb. In fact we had three week pictures done and then eight month pictures done. Maybe a move across the USA didn't help matters but does that make us bad parents, nah.. just realistic. Maybe I get caught up in taking pictures on a daily basis that are candid and not posed but I make myself do these staged photos because I don't want to be labeled a "bad Mom". Anyhow here are Brenden's, er.. thirteen month pictures (well actually taken one day under the thirteen mark so I can actually check the box that says twelve month pics).

Now don't be surprised if I don't have the obligatory eighteen month pictures taken. Besides I think I take enough of us on my own and dare I say better ones???


Jen said...

The candid photos you do at home are definitely better!! You're an awesome Mom!! At least you share your photos that you take.....some Moms don't get their photos out of their cameras. Or non-Moms....PITA!!!

Kailani Nicole said...

I agree I think the pics u do are way better. You know little man better than they captured him.