Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kat comes for a visit

My very close friend Kat came out to visit me in Cherry Point and we had a ball. We have been friends since high school and have remained close even though we don't live in the same state. She just had her second baby seven months ago so we are both in the same boat on being older Mom's. We took a day trip up to Washington D.C mostly because I had to be seen at Walter Reed for IVF #4. It was great to have seven hours of girl chit chat and reminiscing on the drive up and the same on the drive back. Dave and I also took her to his squadron to check out the Harrier jets. Here are some pics:

North Carolina has these wacky little family cemeteries on family land. This one was from the 1800's - the Majette family:
Kat says she always wanted to be a jet fighter pilot... I told her she was crazy...

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