Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Santa Arrives in a Harrier - VMA-513 Squadron Holiday Party

By now Brenden is pretty knowledgeable on who Santa is. So much so that we had to give him one of his presents a week early and tell him Santa had come early. Confusing I know but trust me when I say his incessant begging of the Thomas Shake Shake Bridge had gotten on my last nerve and I couldn't imagine going another week with hearing him ask why Santa hadn't come. Turns out that two year olds have no concept of time so next year we will be trying to show him when exactly he comes and hope for the best.. hmmmm.

Since Brenden did get the Shake Shake Bridge the morning of the squadron holiday party, we told him he would get to see Santa and thank him for being such a nice guy. Hence the GIANT smile on his face in the picture above. He was so excited to thank Santa!

Of course the day wouldn't be complete without a picture of Dave and Brenden in front of Dave's jet:

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